Monday, October 29, 2007


This is the beginning of the 40 Something Life Blog. This is a place to share your life's trials and treasures with others who are going thorugh the same thing. Let's share the bad and the good. Hopefully, we can share the bad in a way to "let it out" and allow us to "let it go" so that we can move on to the better things ahead.

Our lives are like the seasons. (Those of you who don't have 4 seasons may not understand.) Winters come and go and we need to hang on through the winters off our lives to get to the Springs and Summers when life is easy and better. Winters in our lives are inevitable and we need to be strong and grow from them.

Life today is good. Family is healthy, happy and safe. I need to focus on what is good at this stage of my life. I have teenagers. I know that I will miss them soon and I am trying to make it through this winter in my life with a smile on my face.

Work could be better but work could always better. I have a job that allows me to directly affect others in a positive way and help them to improve their lives.

Blog with me and let's share the god and bad. See something interesting on the web? Send us a link. Whatever is interesting to you. Items affecting family, women, men, health, the environment, politics........let's talk!

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