Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

A great holiday! It was more fun when my kids were little. Now, they are on that line where they are really too old to trick-or-treat but still want to. The struggle happens when they want to go out with friends and we are worried about what will happen. We have compromised and they can do limited trick-or-treating and we are keeping our fingers crossed that nothing will happen.

What about the candy? I think I am going to be nasty this year and throw out anything that doesn't get given away. My boys are into fitness now and don't really want the candy anyway and once I get started I can't stop. Don't hate me for being wastful....I have to be this year. I don't want to eat it.

I will cut the pumpkin and cook the seeds though. I really like them and they have fiber. Good for me.

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